Friday, 12 April 2013


Purpose of this brochure

This brochure will inform you about how to use the sewer system correctly

As a resident of Johannesburg you pay for maintenance cost of the sewer system. If you use the system correctly, you will reduce maintenance costs. By not abusing the sewer system you will help reduce sewer tariff charges.

What is a sewer system?
Johannesburg municipal sewer system consists of approximately 11 000 km of underground sewer pipes. These pipes vary from 150mm in diameter to 700mm.

This network of pipes collects waste water through toilets, wash basins, baths and showers and sewage from households and industrial areas. The waste water and sewage are then transported to the point of disposal at one of the 6 waste water treatment plants in Johannesburg.

The following information will help you to prevent the abuse of your sewer system.

Stormwater intrusion
 The sewer network is designed specifically for waste water. Large volumes of stormwater that that enters the sewer system through gulleys, cleaning eyes and sewer manholes, has a negative impact on the sewer system.

The following are adverse effects of stormwater intrusion:

  • Stormwater transport silt and debris which enter and settle in the sewer network. This reduces the capacity of the pipes and results in sewage overspills.
  • Stormwater intrusion can overload the sewer system, resulting in sewage overpills onto roads and private properties.
  • The additional volume of the stormwater causes problems in the operation, maintenance and running of the water care works.

Umsebenzi walencwajana

Lencwajana izokwazisa ngokuthi ungasebenzisa kanjani uhlelo lokuhambiswa kwendle.

Njengesakhamuzi sa se Johannesburg ukhokha izindleko zonkugcinwa kohlelo lokumabiswa kwendle. Um ulisebenzisa kahle loluhlelo, Unganciphisa izindleko. Kanjalo ngokunga hlikumemezi loluhlelo unganciphisa imali.

Luyini uhlelo lokuhambiswa kwendle?
Uhlelo lokuhambiswa kwendle lukamasipala wase Johannesburg kunga cishe kube 11 000 km wamaphayipi enlde ngaphansi komhlaba.

Lamaphayiphi ahlukene ngobubanzi bamamilimitha angu 150(mm) kuyaku 700mm. Lobuxhakaxhaka bamaphayiphi bubutha amanzi angcolile nawezindlu zangasese, izitsha zokugeza izandla, amabhavu kanye namashawa kunye nendle besezithuthela kundawo yokulahlwa kuzindawo noma kumaplanti okuhlanzwa kwamanzi angcolile.

Lomniningwane ungakusiza ukuvikela ukuhlukunyezwa kohlelo lwakho lokuhambiswa kendle.

Ukungenela kumisele yamanzi
Ubisha keixinaka bendle benzelwe kakhulukazi amanzi angcolile. Uma umthamo omkhulu we misele yamanzi ivunyelwa ukungena kuhlelo lwendle ngemisele, imigqomo yokuhlala kanye nesolishi okuzenzela, loku kunemiphumela emibi kuhlelo lokuhambiswa kwendle.

Lokhu okulandelayo kuyimphumela emibi yongenelo lwemisele yamanzi:
  • Imisele ithutha udaka kanye nezinslalela lezo ezingenayo futhi zizinze kubuxhakaxhaka bokuhambiswa kwendle. lokukunciphise umthamo wamaphayiphi besekudala ukuchichima kwesolishi.
  • Ukungenela kwemisele yamanzi kungagcwalisa kakhulu uhlelo lwesolishi, ukudala ukuchichima kwesolishi ezindleleni nase mizini.
  • Ubuningi obungeziwe bemisele yamanzi budala inkinga ekusbenzeni, ekugcineni nase kuhambiseni kwemisebenzi yokuhlanzwa kwamani. Ukuvaleka kwemigodi yokuhambiswa kwendle
Izakhamuzi kaningi zivala imigodi yo kuhambisa indle leyo engase masimini. Lokho bakwenza ngenhloso yokusebenzisa amanzi okuhambisa indle ukunisela. lokho kyingozi kakhulu ngoba amanzi oukuhambisa indle aghukethe amagciwane ayingozi lawo angase adale izifo ezifana nekholera. Lanka manzifuthi abulala ofishi kanye nezitshalo zasemanzini uma egijimela kwimifula eseduzane.

Sepheo sa bukana ena
Bukana ena e le tsebisa ka moo le ka sebedisang diswiritjhi ka nepahalo. Jwalo ka modudi o lefa ditjhelelete tsa tlhokomelo ya tsamaiso ys diswiritjhi. Ha o sebedisa ka nepahalo, o tla fokosta ditjeo tsa tlhokomelo ya tsona, Kahoo, ha o sa sebedise hamper diswiritjhi, o tla boloka tjihelete.

E ka ba ke eng se bolelwang ka tsamaiso ya diswiritjhi?
Tsamaiso ya diswiritjhi ya masepala wa Johannesburg e bopilwe ka dipeipi tsa ka tlase diswiritjhi tsa bolelele bo ka etsang 11 000 km. Dipeipi tsena di a fapana ka dayametha, ho tloha ho 150mm ho ya ho 700mm.

Marangrang ana a dipeipi a bokella metsi a ditshila a matlwana, dikotlolo tsa ho hlapela, dibata le dishwawara, le diswiritjhi tse hlahang malapeng le dindastering, Metsi ana a ditshila le a swirithi a be a se a tsamaiswa ho ya sebakeng seo a ilo ntshwa ho sona e leng dipolanteng tsa tlhwekiso ya metsi.

Thlahisoleseding ena a lateleng e tla ho thusa ho thibela tshebediso e sa lokang ha tsamaiso ya diswiritjhi:

Tshitiaso e bakwang ke metsi a difefo
Hantlente marangrang a diswiritkhi a radilw ka sepheo sa ho tsamaisa metsi a ditshila. Ha ho kena diforo, mekoti ya tlhwkiso le mekoti e tsamayang dipeipng ka tlase, hoo ho le ba le sephetho tsemaisong ya diswiritjhi.

Diphetho tsena tse latelang ke tse mpe haholo tse bakwang ke disthitiso tsa metsi difefo:
  • Metsi a difefo a tsamaisa diretse le tshila tse kenang ebe di dule ka hara maranga a diswiritjhi. Hona ho fokotsa bakgoni ba dipeipi e be ho baka hore swiritjhi e qhalle metsi kapa tshila eo ka ntle.
  • Tshitiso ya metsi a difefo e ka etsa tsamaiso ya disworitjhi e be le dinto tse ngata ho feta tekano, mme hona ho qetella ho bakile hore swiritjhi e qhalle metsi kapa tshila ka ntle mmileng le thepeng ya poraefete.
  • Metsi a mang a ka hodimo a difefo a baka mathata tsebetsong, tlhokomelong le tsamaisong ya mesebetsi ya tlhokomelo ya metsi.
Ho etsa dithibela mekoting e tsamayang dipeipi tsa diswiritjhi ka tlase badudi ba sebaka hangata be etsa dithibela mekoting e tsamayang dipiepintsa diswiritjhi ka tlase masimong. Hona ba ho etsa ka sepheo sa ho sebedisa metsi ao ho nosetsa. Hona ha kosti haholo habane metsi a diswiritjhi a na diswiritjhi a na le baktheria e kosti e ka bakeng mafu a jwalo ka kholera. Metsi ana hape a bolaya le ditlhapi le dimela tsa metsing ha a phallela dinokeng tse haufi.

How is the sewer network abused? Na marangrang a diswiritjhi a ka sebediswa jwang ka tsela e sa lokang? Ngabe ubuxhakaxhaka bokuhambisa indle buhlukunyezwa ka njani?

By using toilets incorrectly 
Blockages are caused by using toilets incorrectly, for example by using paper other than toilet paper or by dumping cloth or any foreign objects into the toilet.

Ka ho sebedisa matlwana ka tsela e sa nepahalang
Dintho tse thibang dipeipi di bakwa ke ho sebedisa ntlwana ka tsela e sa napahalang, mohlala, dimpapiri tse ding seo e seng tse bonolo tsa ntlwaneng kap ka ho Kenya masela le dintho tse ding tse sa tsejweng ka ntlwaneng

Ngokusebenzisa izindlu zangases kabi
Ukuvimbelwa kudalwa ukungasebenzisi kahle izindlu zangasese, isibonelo ukusebenzisa amaphepha ngaphandle kwamatoilet paper noma izindwangu ezilahlwayo nezinye izinto ezithize kuzindlu zangasese.

By dumping foreign objects into the sewer system
Blockages are caused by dumping foreign objects such as sand, beer can, car parts, rotten meat, stones and bricks, into the sewer manholes and gulleys. This leads to sewage overspills at manholes and on private properties

Ka ho Kenya dintho tsa sa batleheng ka diswiritjhing
Ditthiblea diswiritjhing di bakwa hapa le ho lahlela dintho tse sa batleheng tse jwalo ka lehlabathe, makotikoti a sa tshelang letho, dikarolo tsa makoloi, nam e bodileng, majwe le ditene ja hara mekoti e tsamayang dipeipi ka tlase le ka difrorong. Hona ho baka hore diswiritjhi di tlale di be di qhalle dikgwerekgwere mekoting e tsamayang dipeipi ka tlase le thepeng ya poraefete.

Ngokulahlela izinto ezithile kuhlelo lokuhambiswa kwendle
Ukuvimbela kudalwa ukulahlela izinto ezethize njenge sihlabathi, amathini, izingxenye zezimoto, inyama ebolile, amatshe emigodini                        yokuhambisa indlenemisele. lokho kudala ukugewala komgodi naku zindawo ezingesizo zikamasepalai

By having leaking cisterns
Leaking toilet cisterns not only waste expensive clean water, but also reduce the sewer pipe capacity. This result in sewage overflows.

Ka ho ba le ditshelo tsa metsi a tsamaisang ntlwana (cisterns)ntse dutlang
Dishelo tsa metsi a tsamaisang ntlwana tse dutlang ha di senye feela metsi a theko e hodimo a hlwekileng, empa hape di fokosta le bokgoni ba tshwara metsi ba dipeipi tsa diswiritjhi. Hona ha baka hore diswiritjhi di be le phallo fetang tekano ya metsi.

Ngokuba namabodwe avuzayo (cisterns)
Izindke zangesese ezivuzayo kazichithi kuphela amanzi acwebile abizayo kodwa futhi zinciphisa umthama nepayiphi lesolishi. Lokho kudala ukugcwala kwesolishi.

By covering manholes
Do not cover manholes with soil when ploughing in the field or when working in the garden. This complicates the work of the maintenance staff who have to enter the sewer system through the manhole to do maintenance work or remove blockage.

Ka ho ke wa kwahela mekoti e tsamayang dipepi ka tlase ka mobu
O se ke wa kwahela mekoti e tsamayang dipepi ka mobu ha o lema tshimong kappa o sebets ka jareteng. Hona bo baka bothata bakeng sa basebetsi ba tlhokomelo ba lokelang hona kena ka diswiritjhing ka metoki eo e nang le dipeipi ka tlase ba lokisa kappa ba ntsha dinto tse thibileng dipeipi.

Ngokuvala imigodi ngenhlabathi
Ungavali imigodi ngenhlabathi uma ulima noma usebenza esivandeni sakho.Lokho kuhlanganisa umsebenzi zokugcina ukuhambiswa kwendle njengemigodi ukusebenza noma ukukhipha izivimbo.

By removing manhole covers
Manhole covers are sometimes removed and sold as scrap metal. Not only is this illegal, but open manholes are a health and safety hazard to the community.

Ka ho nka dikwanhelo tsa mekoti e tsamayang dipeipi ka tlase
Dikwahelo tsa mekoti e tsamayang ka tlase ka dinako tse ding di ya nkuwa e be di ilo rekiswa moo ho rekwang ditshepe tsa kgale. Hona ha se tlolo ha molao feela, empa hape ho sitisane le mekoti ena e tsamayang dipeipi ka tlase ka ha e le enngwe ya tsela ya ho bophelo bo bole le polokeho setjhabeng.

Ngokususa izimbozo zemigodi
Izimbozo zemigodi ngesinye iskhathi ziyasuswa ziyadayiswe njengezinto zezinsimbi Lokho akusikho kuphela kodwa imogodi evulekile iyingozi ezimpilweni